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God Made Pastors AND Prophets

Examining the differences between pastors, prophets, evangelists, apostles, and teachers and seeing how all are necessary.

NOTE:  These are just overall descriptions and by no means the final word.

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ." Eph 4:11-12

They are all necessary or God wouldn't have given them. They are the ultimate "dream team." Unfortunately, there are conflicts due to the differences in focus in each position. Is that any different than the inevitable conflicts between husbands and wives due to the differences between men and women? God made them different on purpose. HOORAY FOR DIFFERENCES!!

PASTOR:  Sees the small picture, within each person.

PROPHET:  Sees a bigger picture, through God's eyes.

PASTOR:  Some battles are: not getting dragged down by problems of the congregation, keeping a strong conviction of God's ability to handle problems, and remaining in the joy and strength of God.

PROPHET:  Some battles are: keeping own opinions dead, knowing what to do with what God reveals, learning to wait on God.

PASTOR:  Common giftings: love and compassion, seeing people through God's eyes, and good ability to memorize and bring to mind exact scriptures.

PROPHET:  Common giftings: good ability to understand deeper meanings behind scriptures, ability to see below the surface into the spiritual realm, and feeling God's desires/reactions/pain/joy.

PASTOR:  IMPORTANT: must not pass along teachings, doctrine, interpretations until they are cleared through God first. All things must be examined to determine if the source was man or God.

PROPHET:  IMPORTANT: must continually die-to-self to remove own opinions and other impurities that can taint God's plan. Assumptions cannot be made as to what is to be done with the things revealed to the prophet. God must be consulted to find out what is to be spoken (and to whom) and what is to be submitted to prayer. Nothing must be added and nothing must be taken away.

The following was something I received in an email. It is very clear, direct, and to the point

In charge of human relations.

A visionary able to discern the heart of God and communicate His direction.

One who leads and establishes.

Responsible for ensuring a learning organization is established.

The salesman, one who will go into all the world.

By Carol Blomberg

The diamond mine was dark, dingy, and hot. The tired workers, wielded their pickaxes, sweat pouring off of them profusely, as they diligently picked away at the walls of the mine, hour after hour, in search of diamonds in the rough.

Weariness plagued many of the workers and most all of the workers had wanted to give up at one time or another, but with few exceptions they forged ahead, always in search of more diamonds. Deeper and deeper they would dig.

They were the hidden ones. These diamonds were the rhema, prophetic "Word of God". The workers would fill the metal bins with their find and send them down the mine track to be brought up to the surface. The sign in front of the mine read, "Prophetic Intercession: Proceed with Caution".

Once these "diamonds in the rough" were brought to the surface, the teachers were up there waiting to receive them. The "teachers" took them back to the teacher's room where they spent hours upon hours diligently chipping away at the dirt and the rock that surrounded and enveloped the diamonds beneath.

Ultimately, what evolved out of their efforts were multitudes and multitudes of beautiful, sparkling diamonds. The teachers would share these diamonds with their students and then the diamonds were passed onto the evangelists who stood with the diamonds before masses of the lost, offering the diamonds to them for free.

Some of the lost hungrily and joyfully received the diamonds, whereupon they held the diamonds up high, and in so doing, they displayed the "Light of the Glory of God", the very "Jewels of the Kingdom", to all who would have eyes to see. Others who were offered the diamonds scoffed at them and trampled them underfoot.

Pastors were waiting around the fringe of the masses and many of the lost who had received the diamonds left with the pastors and became members of the Body of Christ. Overseeing all of this were the Apostles.

By Pam Clark

As I was reading a prophecy that was sent out in a newsletter, I discerned the heart of the evangelist in that word because of their emphasis on the Great Harvest.

We are all for the harvesting of souls for Jesus but some are even more zealous than others about it. It sometimes can seem intimidating to see that zeal. But there are others who want to see other things happen in the Body besides just seeing souls get saved, but we need to get souls saved, because this is a charge to all of us by Jesus of His Great Commission given to us and it is how we grow and become completed as the Body.

As I pondered this, I began thinking about how the different five fold ministries filter the events that transpire, and then in turn pass their ministry on to the others in the Body. When one has a five fold ministry calling, they have a strong force within them that makes them see things a certain way. Their force and zeal is expressed in this way. As a prophetic person, I want you to see the global vision, which is one reason I am writing this article!

This variance though is one reason that some ministries can have problems with other ministries thinking that others don't see things so clearly or right, because they aren't seeing things exactly the same way and so sometimes feel they aren't as committed when it may not be so.

Some have matured and realize this difference and so they can work better with the other varying gifted ministries. Each gift and person is important and we need all the gifts of the Spirit to win the spiritual war that rages against us. And we of course need the Fruit of His Full Expression of Spirit Character.

As I pondered on this, I defined how I hear the five fold ministry expressing themselves in what their view is all about:

Apostles - their heart is taking territory and the authority of the Kingdom to the ends of the earth - ultimately seeing the whole earth under His Kingdom reign, and ordering things for that purpose

Prophets - their heart is proclaiming the vision of the Lord - declaring that the earth is and can be filled with His Glory - and they want you to see that vision! They will correct and direct you into that.

Evangelists - their heart is for winning souls for the Lord using every opportunity and circumstance, however it can happen, utilizing every event and thought, till everyone knows His saving Grace, and there is great joy in that.

Pastors - their heart is to bring the full Body into a protected covering, and meeting their needs, through the power and understanding of the Holy Spirit for this.

Teachers - their heart is for equipping the Body with the fascinating and many faceted true Knowledge of God for a firm foundation to work out of. For them, every detail is important! And it is - because God is in it! They have a zeal about it.

All of these gifts are foundational gifts and are given by God for this purpose of establishing Spiritual foundations in people. They are each important and there is great Spiritual health in having a balance of these working ministries in our life. And the other gifts that are in the Body that are just as important will usually fall under one or more of these thrusts for their expression.

Not one is greater than the other although at different times they will manifest in varying degrees. But understanding this in humility will give you a greater view in understanding the dimensions of His Spirit.

Jesus is in each of us who are born again, and so really all of these gifts can find a place in us and should. There should be no competition in the Body, but all working for the good of all in understanding, respect and cooperation.

Our strength is in our expressing our unity in Him.


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